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New paper on thromboxane receptors in prostate inflammation published in Experimental and Molecular

ATXA Therapeutics, along with members of the academic research group of CSO Prof. Therese Kinsella at University College Dublin, have published a new paper on the expression and regulation of thromboxane receptors in chronic inflammation within the prostate.

The manuscript, entitled Differential expression of the TPα and TPβ isoforms of the human T Prostanoid Receptor during chronic inflammation of the Prostate: Role for FOXP1 in the transcriptional regulation of TPβ during monocyte-macrophage differentiation, was recently accepted for publication in Experimental and Molecular Pathology.

While a role for thromboxane signalling in the modulation of immunity has been established, the precise role of the individual TPα and TPβ receptor isoforms in mediating the immunoregulatory actions of thromboxane in various immune cell types remains unknown. The primary aim of this current study was to evaluate the expression of the individual TPα and TPβ receptors in regions of chronic inflammatory cell infiltration in benign and tumour specimens of human prostate tissue obtained from PCa patients.

This study has demonstrated that elevated TPβ expression in the prostate microenvironment is found not only within the tumour epithelium but also correlates with areas of chronic inflammatory cell infiltration, including in macrophages, and in B- and T- lymphocytes. Furthermore, the study highlights further critical differences in the expression profile of the TPα- relative to that of the TPβ- isoform, which is likely to translate into key functional differences between the two isoforms in the context of tissue immunity and inflammation, be it associated with PCa or other benign conditions of the prostate or indeed other organs.

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